Celebrating Matariki

Matariki - Māori New Year 

Matariki is a celebration for all New Zealanders.

In Waitaha, Te Waipounamu the Māori New Year begins when Puaka (Rigel) appears as the brightest star over Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū (Banks Peninsula).

Matariki/Puaka is a time to celebrate whānau and all the precious moments. A time to huddle together and stay warm. We share kai, we share stories, we farewell our loved ones that have gone before us and give thanks for the prosperous year ahead.

Celebrating Matariki

There are lots of ways you can celebrate Matariki. Some ideas to get you started include:

  • Getting your family together for a feast!
  • Planting a tree or preparing your vege garden for new planting
  • Have a quiet moment of wonder and check out the stars
  • Attend a local Matariki event.

 Check out the Christchurch City Libraries webpage for more on Matariki and ways to celebrate it

All Right? Matariki Calendar

The All Right? Matariki calendar runs from June 2017 to July 2018, taking you on a journey from the beginning of life to a spirit’s final voyage.  

Matariki Calendar