Let's talk about parenting!

Real families aren’t picture perfect. They're messy, playful, and so much better! 

There’s no doubt that being a parent can be tough sometimes, and living in post-quake Canterbury hasn’t made things any easier!

All Right? research shows many Canterbury parents are feeling tired and isolated, and are finding it difficult to live up to the expectations they place upon themselves. 

In many cases parents are downplaying, or don’t seem to be noticing, the great job they’re doing.

There are really high expectations placed upon us as parents and it’s easy to lose track of our successes and forget to enjoy the moment 

While parenting can be tough, as you’ll see on this website, there’s heaps of support out there, from activities for the whanau, to apps full of quick and affordable family fun, to a wide range of support, courses, advice and programmes.