Tiny Adventures app for smartphones
A new tool developed in the aftermath of the earthquakes will help parents around New Zealand spend more quality time with their children.
Tiny Adventures is a new app for smartphones developed in partnership between SKIP (Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents) and the All Right? campaign.
All Right? manager Sue Turner says the Tiny Adventures concept was developed as All Right? research shows parents are under pressure in Canterbury.
“Our research found that parents are among those hit hardest by the stressors associated with the earthquakes. They not only have children to look after, but have property issues to deal with (from finding somewhere to live to managing repairs and insurance issues) and can have older parents to look after as well,” says Sue Turner.
The Tiny Adventure card packs with ideas, games and quick fun ways for parents to spend time with their children have been an enormous hit - more than 17,000 packs given out over the past six months. “In fact, they’ve almost been too popular,” says Sue Turner. “We haven’t really been able to do any promotion of them as demand has been too great without it.”
The development of the app has been funded by SKIP to enable all New Zealand parents to have access to Tiny Adventures, for free. "Its release is also a step forward for the campaign", says Anna Mowat, SKIP Community Coordinator.
“Until now, everything All Right? has done has been solely for Cantabrians. It’s nice that this element is now available for the rest of New Zealand,” says Anna.
“Cantabrians are grateful for all the support we’ve received from our friends around the country. This is a small way of saying thanks for that,” says Sue Turner.
Anna says playing with your kids builds strong relationships and healthy brains. “Even if you've only got a minute, you have time for a Tiny Adventure!”
Download the free Tiny Adventures App from iTunes (for Apple devices).
Download the free Tiny Adventures App from Google Play (for Android devices).