Be a workplace wellbeing leader

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What makes a good leader? 

Is it their ability to connect and communicate?  Or perhaps it is the way in which they make all those around them feel valued and supported?

Whatever it is, when leadership works, a workplace thrives.

A great leader understands that it is the people they lead that ultimately determines the success or failure of any venture.” - Forbes

To create a healthy workplace, attention must be given to leadership commitment and engagement. 

Be the change

Our friends at the Mental Health Foundation have offered up five simple ways to contribute to creating and encouraging and supportive working environment. 

  1. Communicate your vision for a mentally healthy team or workplace and take people along for the journey. 
  2. Ask your team what they think about the Five Ways to Wellbeing and really TAKE NOTICE and take onboard what they say. 
  3. Ask managers to actively promote and support their people and teams to participate in the Five Ways. 
  4. Champion the Five Ways through staff emails, notice boards, staff Facebook groups, finding an opportunity to speak about it and participating in activities. 
  5. Be a role model for others and introduce the Five Ways into your life – take a well-earned break, go for a walk, say thank you, notice the trees and clouds and sky.

It’s like anything in life - messages and actions become more attainable when our role models, or in this case, leaders and managers model the behaviours.

It comes back to that beautiful quote from Mahatma Gandhi.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” 

When staff have the support of management behind them, workplace culture and the mental health of staff will greatly improve.

Give, Create, Strengthen, Balance

Leading workplace wellbeing requires you to:

  • Give credit where it’s due. People deserve to be rewarded for their efforts and hard work.
  • Create a culture of continual learning — provide opportunities for people to grow and expand on their expertise. 
  • Strengthen relationships and build trust— take a moment every day to chat and get to know your people. 
  • Find your balance — schedule time in your diary to exercise and be active.