The impact of work on mental health

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When you’re at work it can be tempting to think longingly about being somewhere else – the beach, your home, at your favourite café. But believe it not, being employed is good for your health and wellbeing.

Having a job is good for your health and sense of self. It can help you feel socially included, financially independent, and give you a sense of purpose.

According to the UK’s  Royal College of Psychiatrists , work gives us: 

  • social contacts and support 
  • a way of structuring and occupying our time 
  • physical and mental activity 
  • an opportunity to develop and use skills 
  • social status 
  • a sense of identity and personal achievement 
  • And of course money which is always handy.  

When work is stressful 

While there are many studies showing the benefits of work, not all workplaces are safe and satisfying. We all know that some workplaces aren’t such healthy places to be in, and can result in stress and anxiety.  

If work is affecting your mental health, you can take steps to address the problems.

According to New Zealand law, an employer must make sure, as reasonably possible, that health and safety risks in the workplace are identified and managed properly. This includes workplace stress and fatigue. To learn more about your rights you can contact Employment New Zealand.

For support with your health and wellbeing call the Canterbury Support Line on 0800 777 846 or phone your general practice team.