Ngā huru/Autumn

Tū kōhatu

Play this traditional game!

Ko te mutunga oranga he timatanga kaha — Winning starts with beginning


Your challenge: stack rocks or stones as high as you can without them falling over.

You will need

  • 5-7 kōhatu (rocks or stones) that are big enough to stack on top of one another
  • A friend or whanau-member to play with (or you can play by yourself)

Have some fun!

  • See how many kōhatu you can stack without the tower falling over.
  • Make a tower that leans…
  • If playing with someone else, time each other or race to build the highest stack.
  • Take turns adding a kōhatu, until someone makes the tower topple! The other person is the winner!

For other fun traditional Maori games go to

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