
My pepehā

Share your identity

Ehara takū toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini — My strength is not that of one person but of many


A pepehā is a way to introduce yourself in te reo Māori.

You will need

Paper and a pen

What to do

To write your pepehā, print or copy the below and fill in the spaces — asking your whānau for help if you get stuck.

Ko ___________________ tōku waka (canoe)

Ko ___________________ tōku iwi (tribe)

Ko ___________________ tōku maunga (mountain)

Ko ___________________ tōku awa (river)

Ko ___________________ tōku kāinga (place you live)

Ko ___________________ tōku whanau (family name)

Ko ___________________ tōku whaea (mother)

Ko ___________________ tōku matua (father)

Ko ___________________ tōku ingoa (my name)

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa

Once you're done, read it aloud or share it with others so you can start to know it by heart!

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