

Have fun trading and giving

He aroha whakatō he aroha puta mai — If kindness is sown then kindness is received


As well as clearing clutter, tauhokohoko gives us the chance to trade and gift things to our friends and whānau.

What is tauhokohoko?

Our history of tauhokohoko goes back thousands of years.

In ancient times, coastal iwi would trade fish, shellfish and karengo (seaweed) with inland tribes, who had birds, preserved meat, hīnau cakes, and forest produce.

By keeping this tradition alive we’re honouring our ancestors and giving pre-loved items a new lease on life.

Kōanga is a great time to ‘spring clean’ before Raumati Summer.

Some tauhokohoko ideas

Look through your clothes and possessions for items you no longer love or need.

Sort these items into three piles.

  1. Things you’d like to donate to charity or koha/gift to someone else.
  2. Things you’re keen to swap or trade with your friends and whānau.
  3. Things that are very worn out and can head to the bin!

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