We're all in this together

The anniversary of the March mosque attacks is approaching, and while we remember the incredible outpouring of aroha and unity following those tragic events, it may also bring up some difficult or challenging feelings.

In challenging times we can go through a range of emotions, and at our own pace. Feeling like needing a hug, having a cry and talking it out are natural, healthy reactions to challenging events. So too is needing to get on with things or taking time out for yourself. They are all important ways we process our experiences. 

Be aware of how you’re feeling as well and look after yourself. There are small things we can do to look after ourselves and others, even when times are tough.

  • Be kind to one another. Kindness is contagious, and boosts endorphins. 
  • Take a digital detox, and focus on an activity you love. Reading, games with the kids, or a short walk. 
  • Spend time with people you love - we all need each other. Talk about how your feeling

If feelings of helplessness or sadness are overwhelming and you feel like you can’t get on top of them or move on, support is available. You can free call/text 1737, 24-hours a day.

He Waka Eke Noa

Our He waka eke noa campaign was created in the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch mosque attacks. 

It was created to reassure people that tough times affect us all differently, and feeling a range of emotions is a natural process. It’s all right to feel upset, angry, helpless or on edge following the attack on our Muslim community. These are natural reactions to an extreme and upsetting event.

He waka eke noa encourages people to think about where they’re at and that others may be at different stages, feeling and doing different things and that’s all right. 

The resources highlight the simple things we can do every day, to look after ourselves and others – and they're now available nationwide.

Postage may be required for orders containing multiple sets of 10. If needed, we'll be in touch – or if you're interested in placing a large order, please don't hesitate to contact us at: hello@allright.org.nz.

Ngā mihi nui

Warmest thanks to the Health Promotion Agency (HPA) and the Mental Health Foundation for their generous contributions to the production of this resource.

We're so grateful for your support to make these resources available nationwide.