Taking time to take a breather

Not many people know it, but the tiny Hurunui township of Scargill had its very own quake on 22 November 2016.  

It’s safe to say that Scargill resident Stu Loe hasn’t forgotten. 

“I was just out of the shower. I was on my own – Jo and the girls were in Rangiora. 

Our house shook and smashed. The chimney came down. There were booms – it was quite scary.” 

He says the quakes are always in the back of your mind. 

“It plays a wee bit. Is another coming? But you’ve got to get on with it.” 

Stu says it’s really important to find ways to unwind and take a breather. 

“Sorting out the repairs and chasing up insurers is a slow process – it can tie you up all day.” 

“You need to make time to get off the farm, go for walk, play golf, do family stuff, and even get away for a bit.” 

“It’s important to make time to catch up with mates for a beer and a chat. Walking, talking and beer is very good therapy!” 

Stu’s a big believer in talking to your friends when times a tough. 

“Don’t be too proud to hit a mate up or seek professional help if you’re struggling. Keep talking and ask for help. You’re not alone.” 

He says the last 18 months have reinforced the importance of being involved in your Community. 

 “When the proverbial hits the fan you need to be involved in community. And you need to keep in touch with your neighbours because you’re gonna need each other.”