Joining in and helping out

Ninety-one year old Pat Corbett (pictured right) knows more about life in Hurunui than most – she’s lived in the district for 75 years. 

She says the recent quakes haven’t changed her life philosophy. 

“The quakes haven’t changed what is important, which is helping others and thinking of others’ before yourself. I pray every day for those whose houses are not fixed.” 

“I was raised to give and not receive. I am learning to be graceful and receive.” 

“I’m grateful still to be still here. When I was 60 I wasn’t feeling my best. I am still here. I saw my grandchildren married 30 years on.” 

Pat says getting involved in your community is a key to happiness. She’s actively involved in her church, is in a gardening club and has joined a gym. 

“When you are older – you must go to the gym.” 

“Everyone should join a group. When you join organisations you hear what others troubles are – it makes your troubles so small. My friend rings and cries because of her problems. She needs to join a group. I would send people down a path to do something.” 

Pat says the best thing about living in Hurunui is the freedom. 

“I have lived here for 75 years. I do as I like and I am able to be my own self. Stand on my own two feet. Hurunui doesn’t restrict you. There’s nothing we can’t do.” 

“I am never bored – there is always something.”