Whānau activities
Activity cards to help you connect with your whānau and culture.
All seasons
Ngā huru
Ngā whetū rīwai
Make potato star chips
Celebrate Matariki with some shared kai.
Make a memory poster
And kōrero with a loved one
Learn more about someone in your whānau by creating a memory poster.
Matariki cards
Share a little aroha
Make a gratitude card for someone close to you who has done something kind, cool or helpful.
Explore our heritage
Christchurch city was once Tautahi’s special territory.
Learn three simple prayers
Karakia are prayers and blessings that bring us together and cover every aspect of life.
My pepehā
Share your identity
A pepehā is a way to introduce yourself in te reo Māori.
Explore the Travis Wetlands
This ancient mahinga kai is a great place to explore, with a flat, easy loop you can walk in an hour.
Tū kōhatu
Play this traditional game!
Your challenge: stack rocks or stones as high as you can without them falling over.
Enjoy a song (or two!)
Waiata brings us together and makes us stronger, and learning them can be heaps of fun.
Ngā rau toi
Create some leaf art
Turn colourful Autumn leaves into a work of art.
Play traditional knuckle bones
Knuckle bones has been played for thousands of years all around the world, including by Maori, who call it Kōruru.
Growing Kamokamo
Plant kamokamo seeds
Whakatō i te Purapura (planting seeds) is a great Spring activity for the whole whānau.
Mauri kōhatu
Create a painted kōhatu
Painting kōhatu (stones) is a great way to unleash your inner artist!
Have fun trading and giving
As well as clearing clutter, tauhokohoko gives us the chance to trade and gift things to our friends and whānau.
Kōrero mai
Learn some te reo greetings
Speaking it is a vital way to express our Māori culture and maintain our pride and identity as a people..
Welcome your guests
Learn how to make a kaputī (cup of tea) for manuhiri (visitors or whānau).
Visit Rāpaki
And the Whakaraupo Harbour
Rāpaki is home to a beach, pier, walkways and the Rāpaki marae named Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke.
Hī ika
Go fishing!
At New Brighton pier you can catch mullet, red cod, kahawai and even crabs yourself using a handline.
Make battered ika
A tasty fish recipe to try!
This battered ika is sure to be a whānau favourite.
Make a mobile
From driftwood and shells
Showcase items from te moana (the sea) by making your own driftwood mobile.
Parenting tips and tricks
Real families aren’t picture perfect. They're messy, playful, and so much better! For parenting tips and tricks, check out our families page.
Thanks and aroha
All Right's whānau activity cards have been developed thanks to funding from the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust. Big thanks also to Pegasus Health, The Canterbury DHB’s School Based Mental Health Team and Community and Public Health, whose input led to the development of these, and other resources aimed at supporting tamariki and whānau wellbeing.